Lehr- und Lernforschung im universitären Bereich

08:30h- 09:30h | Keynote: Epistemic and knowledge cultures Karin Knorr Cetina afterwards discussion |
09:30h-09:45h | Coffee break |
Panel: New concepts for educational development and empircial findings
09:45h – 10:15h | Fostering competence development in engineering science studies Gerd Gidion, Simone-Nadine Löffler |
10:15h – 10:45h | Frozen fluidity? Digital technologies and the transformation of learning and teaching Ernst Schraube, Niklas A. Chimirri |
10:45h-11:15h | Digital didactics Isa Jahnke |
11:15h-11:45h | Indicators for university teaching quality: Impact and reliability Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha |
11:45h-12:45h | Lunch |
Panel: An international comparison of academic landscapes
12:45h-13:15h | Conditions for scientific innovations at German universities: An international comparison Jochen Gläser |
13:15h-13:45h | Transitions from university to labour markets in Spain and Germany Rita Berger |
13:45h-14:15h | Holistic Philological, Modernistic Societal, Optimizing Functional: Three phases of academy/society relations in the humanities Jesper Eckhardt Larsen |
14:15h-14:30h | Coffee break |
Panel: Crossing boundaries: University, labour markets, further education, and open universities
14:30h – 15:00h | Job-oriented university courses for educating vocational teachers: Academic discipline versus vocational science Martin Fischer |
15:00h – 15:30h | The scientification of work as a challenge to university education Ines Langemeyer |
15:30h – 16:00h | The Professionalisation of Continuing Education at the University: Considerations at the interface of University and Continuing Education Ulla Klingovsky |
16:00h – 17:00h | Panel discussion |
17:00h | Closing remarks Ines Langemeyer |